Moving to movies now in the blog I thought to cover one of the best cinematic and dramatic songs known to date. The name Duel of the Fates just sounds epic by itself and I'm sure many people would agree even if they haven't heard the song. This song first made its debut in Star Wars The Phantom Menace back in May 19th 1999. The song itself makes its debut during the fight scene between Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui gon Jinn, and Darth Maul. This scene is an absolute masterpiece even without the music. However, if you throw in this song created by the legendary John Williams the scene becomes absolutely iconic and also becomes a staple not only for Star Wars but also for film making entirely. This song has an absolute mastery of string instruments and horns along with a choir that sound like angels and demons at the same time. This song fully captures the true magnitude of the scene that it debuts due to the fact that if Qui gon Jinn didn't lose to Darth Maul in this fight it would of meant that Anakin Skywalker would have been trained by Qui Gon and could have been a better Jedi who wouldn't of turned to the darkside. The song captures this by including string instruments play the same melody over and over again while the choir just creates an atmosphere of tenseness and epicness. Add the clashing of lightsabers and forceful exertions from jedi and sith going at it you got yourself a fight scene for the ages. Listening to this song on its own is truly a great way to get your blood pumping and can even be a song for workouts if you really feel like it.
Star Wars Phantom Menace "Duel of the Fates" by John Williams