Obviously this show on Netflix is about High School football. However, this series dives much deeper than just the football. This is apparent especially in the music that this show chooses. With this show coming out in the late 2000's this is not going to have that much modern music. However the song "Remember Me As a Time of Day" is a very good pick for such a drama filled show. While this song doesn't include any lyrics it includes a guitar riff that just fills the soul. It truly feels like a life journey within the song itself. This vibe truly fits this show and is even the very first thing we hear when this show started. This song premieres Episode 1 of Season 1 at the 00:00 mark. This song is showed during the opening scenes of the show and helps introduce us to the main characters of this show that include the character Matt Saracen who is the back up QB on the team. This song fits his vibe as well since he isn't as confident and out there as the other characters. The song captures his whole character in a nut shell and gives you a very positive outlook of him. While this song lacks in the lyric department it truly over delivers in the overall feel and vibe of the song itself. Listening to this song in the background of studying or work is a very calming experience. Another way someone could use this song in there every day life is if they like white noise in the background because this song truly has a calm demeanor.
Friday Night Lights "Remember Me As a Time of Day" By Explosions in the Sky
Updated: Dec 6, 2022
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